Thursday, June 21, 2007

More La Trans Aq' photos

The organiser of the event has now posted up some photo's on the La Trans Aq' site.

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6

The Competitors

I've also had some photo's sent by Vaughan, one of my tentmates:

Here is the full team before the start of the first stage.

Morning of stage 2. They all loved my white suit. Nobody laughed...honestly.

The beginning of stage 2. I'm still smiling.

The end of stage 2; 28 miles later. I'm not smiling anymore!

I described this photo in my diary of the event. Well here it is, me looking like a tramp. It was cold that morning, seriously!

This is the morning of the last stage; bandaging up that ankle to be on the safe side. Note the missing arm on the white suit. I'd had to use it to make a sock for my sore feet a couple of days before!

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