Thursday, April 03, 2008

857--stage 4 - 47 miles

The wheels came off the wagon yesterday. Stage 3s brutality was nothing on the long day. soft sand underfoot all day, many climbs including the 1k which was all fours climbing and pulling yourself up on ropes. been living off 2 hours sleep with nightly wind storms and burning through my 3000 calories a day still starving. all caught up yesterday when I had used up all of my on-the-go food (1200 cals) + fuel from breakfast by cp3. dazed and in a mess I begged for IVs at every CP, they would not give me one. lost equipment and food in dazed state. got to cp4 in 8 hours (16hr cutoff) and tried to sleep. didnt, left alone at 3am with 20 miles to cover in dark alone, hit rock bottom, but dragged myself through and home in 23:40, i guess 30 places from back? feet started day 4 fine, now bad. taken me 10mins to hobble 200m to internet tent, have to run a marathon tomorrow and beat cutoff. other than that im fine. seriously I am; last big hurdle tomorrow. off to get feet butchered now.

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