Monday, September 04, 2006

Catch Up

I've been very busy with work for the last few weeks, hence the lack of updates. I won't post all the maps I've run as there are so many.

I've had (got) some problems with tightness in my left thigh, hamstring possibly. But then again i've had aches and pains from the knee upwards all over the place.

I've got a physio tomorrow to see what's going on. The week after the half marathon I did a very tough 13 mile run. Very hilly and I think that's what set it off. I ran to schedule that week, but the following week I eased off the mileage. The Sunday after I only ran 5 miles, then walked for 2.5 deliberately as I could feel my lef really tightening. During that week I ran 4 miles on Wednesday and 4.5 at pace on the Thursday. My leg seemed to feel a little better. I did 10 miles Sunday just gone, but my leg was still pretty tight for the second half.

I'll see what the physio says tomorrow

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